Thursday, June 4, 2020

Focus on Marketing at NYU Stern

9th Place for Marketing A quick glance at NYU Stern currently ranks in 11th place as one of the best business schools, according to US News World Report (March 2012). It is ranked in ninth place for marketing.  Ã‚   Stern’s Class of 2014 and Marketing 3907 people applied to NYU Stern in 2012; the entering class size was 389. The average GMAT score was 720 and the class has an average undergraduate GPA of 3.51. The average number of years of work experience for the class of 2014 is 4.8 years. 26% of class of 2014 students have undergraduate degrees in business and commerce; 22% in economics; 21% in engineering, math, and science; 17% in social sciences; and 14% in humanities, arts, or other areas. In terms of pre-MBA work experience related to marketing, 5% of the class come from the advertising/public relations industry and 4% come from the consumer products/retail industry. NYU Academics Related to Marketing There are four phases to the Stern curriculum: Phase 1: A 2-week orientation program called LAUNCH that introduces students to New York City and to b-school with tours, panel discussions, speakers, and other activities. Phase 2: First year core classes. All students must take 2 required courses (Financial Accounting Reporting and Statistics Data Analysis) and choose 5 courses from the Menu Core (Firms Markets, Foundations of Finance, The Global Economy, Leadership in Organizations, Marketing, Operations Management, and Strategy). Students can take electives in their first year. Students can obtain waivers for core classes if they have proficiency in the subject matter. Phase 3: Summer Internship. Phase 4: Second year core and elective courses. The core course for second year students is Professional Responsibility. Other than that, students take elective courses. Up to 5 of these courses may be taken at another NYU grad school. Students graduate with an MBA in General Management and between 0-3 specializations. It is within these specializations that students will choose their elective courses. Relevant specializations for those interested in marketing are Marketing, Luxury Marketing, Digital Marketing, Product Management, and Entertainment, Media and Technology. (Click on the links to see sample courses from each of the categories.) You can view the complete list of NYU Stern courses here. Marketing Electives at Other NYU Grad Schools Electives at Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development: Marketing the Music Industry Music Industry Broadcast Promotion/Publicity Visual Arts Markets   Electives at NYU Wagner School of Public Service Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations Between semesters, students may study abroad by participating in the Doing Business in†¦(DBi) Program. There are also semester abroad programs and International Club Treks. A Global Courses that may appeal to marketing students (that include trips overseas) is A Craft Commerce of Cinema. (More details on these global programs and others can be found here.) NYU Stern Marketing-Related Clubs, Competitions, and Conferences Emerging Markets Association Graduate Marketing Association Luxury Retail Club Annual Graduate Marketing Association (GMA) Conference Graduate Marketing Association (GMA) Case Competition Marketing Hiring Stats at NYU Stern The chart below shows the hiring stats for 2011 MBA careers in marketing/consumer products: Function/Industry Percent Base Salary Range ($) Function: Marketing 18 60,000 – 120,000 Function: Research 5 100,000 – 150,000 Industry: Consumer Products 8 65,000 – 108,000 Top consumer products/beauty and marketing hirers include: (an asterisk indicates that the company hired 3 or more students in 2011): American Express* Avon Bayer Healthcare* Colgate-Palmolive* Dannon Diageo Estee Lauder* General Mills Johnson Johnson* Kraft* L’Oreal* PepsiCo* Pfizer* Post Foods Procter Gamble Reckitt Benckiser* Unilever* Are you applying to NYU’s Stern School of Business? Please see our NYU Stern B-School Zone and Stern School of Business Application Packages for more information on how can help you get accepted. ~ Helping You Write Your Best

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