Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Becoming a District Attorney free essay sample

Everyone asks me , Michelle why do you want to become an attorney?I want to become a district attorney because it is a prosecutor for the state or the federal government in court in a particular district.It exites me to become this. But I know that its not going to be easy. Im going to have to keep my grades up, work very hard, Im also to need support from a lot of people, so I wont give up achieve my goal. My dream of becoming a district attorney is important because I want to make my family proud to have a better life than the one my parents had. Becoming a district attorney is very important for me because my parents always tell me to work hard so I can have a better job, than the they have had. They want me to have a professional job. We will write a custom essay sample on Becoming a District Attorney or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My parents want me to have a good job, a career that I love, something well that they didnt get to have. They want me to be somebody in life, I also want to be somebody in life. I also want to make them proud. But I do need a lot of stuff to make this dream come true. I need to work hard get not give up so I can get good grades be able to go to college, to pass all my classes needed. I’m going to have to give it my all. Grades for me are very important to keep up because im not rich i know its going to be difficult i want to obtain a scholarship. To accomplish my dream , I am going to have to take some couple of steps. First , I am going to have to stay in school graduate. I am going to go apply to college make it all the way thru. I am not going to give up , I am going to work very hard at my very best. Im going to make my family proud finish strong ! Even though , my dream of becoming a district attorney is not close , a couple of years away , I need to think about who how people can help me. Im not going to be scared , Im going to ask for help , help is always needed . Help wont hurt you, so im going to get help. I will find help with all kinds of adults, pros, counselors, teachers, and family. They will all help me make it, im not going to be shy and ask for help ! â€Å"Be practical as well as generous as your ideals.Keep your eyes on the stars, but remember to keepyour feet on the ground.† Theodore Roosevelt . My aunt always tells me this quote , she wants me to understand this quote follow the right path. My mom always wanted to become a district attorney , because she didnt have the chance too. I dont know what would make her more happier than me becoming what she always wanted to become. That right there touches my heart , i really want to dive deep see further into this dream of becoming a district attorney.

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