Thursday, February 27, 2020

Why are tropical Countries so poor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Why are tropical Countries so poor - Essay Example As a point of clarity, in this case the term Institutions are in reference to establishments such as hospitals, schools, the military, as well as civil and media services that have been set up usually by the government to help in the everyday activities of the nation. Having given these examples, one can see how development cannot be achieved without the presence of proper institutions in place (Komives, 2005). For example, a country without efficient medical facilities would be hindered in the process of development as they fought against diseases that would no doubt attack and ravage their nation as a result (Blastland, 2009). Tropical countries are a good example of how poor institutions have hindered the progress of certain parts of the country and as a result left many of the members from that area languishing in poverty (Ravallion, Chen & Sangraula, 2008). The lack of well ground institutions such as schools especially of the higher learning category (that is, colleges and universities) in rural areas have left the members of those societies unable to match up to their counterparts in the cities and thus as a result they are unable to get well paying jobs and are limited to minimal career roles that hardly have a valid future in their prospects such as janitors and messengers (Greif, 2006). Their inability to climb up the professional ladder due to a lack of sufficient education ensures that they are not able to get higher paying jobs and better their lives in the process all as a result of a lack of proper institutions for education. The lack of proper institutions in these tropic countries have led to only a chosen few (being the financially wealthy) being able to get ahead and better their lives (Kristof, 2009). In a country like Haiti, for example, statistics show that over half the population live below the poverty line, this can be said to be because of lack of properly set up institutions in the country (Solley, 2005). The establishment of good

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Touch Screen Alarm Clock Marketing Plan Term Paper

Touch Screen Alarm Clock Marketing Plan - Term Paper Example l ensure that it successfully meets the requirements of every customer by charging reasonable price for the product range and provide features in the alarm clock accordingly. Since the business environment is becoming fierce and competitive, it has become vital for the companies to carry out a market research before launching the product in the market (Ranjhita, 2011). With the help of the research, it was found that the touch screen alarm clock has a huge potential for the new entrants and entry barriers are relatively low (Cako, 2005). The new entrants can be very challenging to deal as the competition via new entrants gets fiercer in the business market. In US, every top ranked brand is offering its products but there are some areas where people have limited access to these clocks. This limited access creates an opportunity for other organizations to market their products. The three areas identified by our company are Ohio, Florida and California; the geographic segmentation has been done to get a clear picture of the type of customers that the company will be targeting. From the analysis of the research findings, it is decided that the brand name will be â€Å"Express Alarm Clock† and it will comprise of two models on the basis of features. One model will be simple with fewer features and other will be with complicated features and it will consist of extremely high technical features. The two models are decided upon according to the needs and demands of the target market. The other aspects of the marketing plan are discussed below in detail. In order to cater the right target market, it is important that the target market is decided beforehand which will ensure that there will be certain number of consumers who would be willing to buy the product (Flink, 2011). The target market of this new touch screen Alarm Clock is as follows: Lifestyle: Depending on the life cycle stage; young children and adults who are fun-loving, adventurous and technologically savvy.