Sunday, December 29, 2019

Creative Writing American Soldier in Iraq Essay - 1471 Words

RUN!! I heard a fellow soldier screaming as I looked around. RUN! I started to take off but I was too late. I am an American soldier and I just got my leg blown off by a grenade. As I lay here crying, yelling out in pain, I think about why I am even here. The president thought that Saddam Hussein MIGHT have had weapons of mass destruction (WMD), so he sent me here to die. After we searched and found that Hussein did not have any WMDs, what did President Bush decide to do? Send more troops (SIRS). Many people, including a number of Christian leaders, have questioned whether the war in Iraq is justified ( They question if it is morally permissible to have used force to remove a tyrannical and aggressive regime†¦show more content†¦I told my mother and father what had happened. My parents burst into tears, but I had to get off of the phone to go into surgery. ?I might live,? I kept telling myself, but what about all of the soldiers who do not? There have been about 4,000 U.S. soldiers that have died, and 60,000 more have been wounded ( All of these soldiers could have been useful in their lifetime, but they never had the chance. Many would say that serving in Iraq is useful, but why? So they can look for weapons that aren?t there? So they can help re-establish a government that they had torn to shreds to begin with? How is that ?useful As I close my eyes and wait, my mother?s picture comes into my mind, and she is crying her ey es out. She does not want anything to happen to her ?baby boy.? Every single one of those soldiers that have died, or have been injured had SOMEONE that cared about them. When these soldiers die, or even get injured, their families are devastated. It changes everything within these families. If every soldier has just 2 people whose lives will change if they die then that would be 8,000 Americans that are affected by the war, even without setting foot outside of the country. After seeing how deaths and injures affect the citizens of the U.S. I thought about what else could affect them, us, Americans. The first thing that came into my mind was taxes, and how the tax money being used was wasted. ?Taxpayers in just the state of Illinois willShow MoreRelatedNon Violent Values And Peaceful Powers Essay1679 Words   |  7 Pagesbelieved myth of the honorable and noble wars is reduced to a lie. It is obvious that Struk uses many quotations by soldiers in her book to prove this through narr ating their experience of war. For example, one of the veterans who came back from Iraq comments on his experience in 2005: War is not about respect, war is about surviving and winning ... so if it bugs you that a soldier would kill an injured enemy, then you my friend have no concept of what war is ... Years later when this war is overRead MoreWinston Churchill1702 Words   |  7 Pageschanging the world, but also for being a genius. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

My Goals In the Field of Special Education Essay - 832 Words

The time is now to become a Special Education Teacher. I believe the best fit for my academic and vocational goals is the UWM Exceptional Education Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification Program. I have been a teacher of students with special needs for the last couple of years in alternative settings. The students I like best tend to be the most challenging both behaviorally and academically. Success can be more apparent, yet at times there is frustration. I feel I am good at it, but need to learn more. Most importantly I love teaching kids with special challenges. The key is to be creative and keep trying. Perhaps the most important experience during my more formative years was my experience with YMCA camping. I was a camper,†¦show more content†¦I raised money for scholarships to camp; helping hundreds of kids come to camp that would be unable to afford it otherwise. Development of a diverse staff was important to me. So I recruited, interviewed and hired central city staff to be part of camp. This involved going to their neighborhood for interviews because they had no means of getting to camp. Finally, my career moved back to teaching. It began with a substitute teaching and a long-term sub position as an EBD English Teacher. I found the experience to be very rewarding. I learned that there was a greater ability to get to know my students and a chance to make a more significant difference in students with special challenges. Having discovered my calling to work with nontraditional students, I took a position with St. Charles Youth and Family Services as a Teacher of Experiential Education. This position allowed me to interact with urban students from MPS who were expelled, court ordered or Special Education students who were deemed best suited to self-contained program. I loved the challenge every day. Every student was so different, but they all wanted and craved the same thing†¦ acceptance and unconditional love. I wanted more. My next opportunity presented itself with a chance to work with expelled and pre-expulsion Middle School Students at Passage Middle School. This alternative program was very small. In fact the entire program was my classroom. I worked within aShow MoreRelatedI Am A Special Education Teacher1138 Words   |  5 PagesPresently I am a Special Education teacher working with children who have a wide range of disabilities. My class setting is integrated, which mean half of the class is general and the other half is special. My primary goal is to modify general education lesson plans to meet each student’s needs and abilities. These needs may include, but not limited to emotional, physical or cognitive disabilities, teaching basic literacy and life skills. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

The Host Chapter 2 Overheard Free Essays

The voices were soft and close and, though I was only now aware of them, apparently in the middle of a murmured conversation. â€Å"I’m afraid it’s too much for her,† one said. The voice was soft but deep, male. We will write a custom essay sample on The Host Chapter 2: Overheard or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Too much for anyone. Such violence!† The tone spoke of revulsion. â€Å"She screamed only once,† said a higher, reedy, female voice, pointing this out with a hint of glee, as if she were winning an argument. â€Å"I know,† the man admitted. â€Å"She is very strong. Others have had much more trauma, with much less cause.† â€Å"I’m sure she’ll be fine, just as I told you.† â€Å"Maybe you missed your Calling.† There was an edge to the man’s voice. Sarcasm, my memory named it. â€Å"Perhaps you were meant to be a Healer, like me.† The woman made a sound of amusement. Laughter. â€Å"I doubt that. We Seekers prefer a different sort of diagnosis.† My body knew this word, this title:Seeker. It sent a shudder of fear down my spine. A leftover reaction. â€Å"I sometimes wonder if the infection of humanity touches those in your profession,† the man mused, his voice still sour with annoyance. â€Å"Violence is part of your life choice. Does enough of your body’s native temperament linger to give you enjoyment of the horror?† I was surprised at his accusation, at his tone. This discussion was almost like an argument. Something my host was familiar with but that I’d never experienced. The woman was defensive. â€Å"We do not choose violence. We face it when we must. And it’s a good thing for the rest of you that some of us are strong enough for the unpleasantness. Your peace would be shattered without our work.† â€Å"Once upon a time. Your vocation will soon be obsolete, I think.† â€Å"The error of that statement lies on the bed there.† â€Å"One human girl, alone and unarmed! Yes, quite a threat to our peace.† The woman breathed out heavily. A sigh. â€Å"But where did she come from? How did she appear in the middle of Chicago, a city long since civilized, hundreds of miles from any trace of rebel activity? Did she manage it alone?† She listed the questions without seeming to seek an answer, as if she had already voiced them many times. â€Å"That’s your problem, not mine,† the man said. â€Å"My job is to help this soul adapt herself to her new host without unnecessary pain or trauma. And you are here to interfere with my job.† Still slowly surfacing, acclimating myself to this new world of senses, I understood only now that I was the subject of the conversation. I was the soul they spoke of. It was a new connotation to the word, a word that had meant many other things to my host. On every planet we took a different name.Soul. I suppose it was an apt description. The unseen force that guides the body. â€Å"The answers to my questions matter as much as your responsibilities to the soul.† â€Å"That’s debatable.† There was the sound of movement, and her voice was suddenly a whisper. â€Å"When will she become responsive? The sedation must be about to wear off.† â€Å"When she’s ready. Leave her be. She deserves to handle the situation however she finds most comfortable. Imagine the shock of her awakeninginside a rebel host injured to the point of death in the escape attempt! No one should have to endure such trauma in times of peace!† His voice rose with the increase of emotion. â€Å"She is strong.† The woman’s tone was reassuring now. â€Å"See how well she did with the first memory, the worst memory. Whatever she expected, she handled this.† â€Å"Why should she have to?† the man muttered, but he didn’t seem to expect an answer. â€Å"Needbeing your word. I would choose the termwant. â€Å" â€Å"Then someone must take on the unpleasantness,† she continued as if he had not interrupted. â€Å"And I think, from all I know of this one, she would accept the challenge if there had been any way to ask her. What do you call her?† The man didn’t speak for a long moment. The woman waited. â€Å"Wanderer,† he finally and unwillingly answered. â€Å"Fitting,† she said. â€Å"I don’t have any official statistics, but she has to be one of the very few, if not the only one, who has wandered so far. Yes,Wanderer will suit her well until she chooses a new name for herself.† He said nothing. â€Å"Of course, she may assume the host’s name. We found no matches on record for the fingerprints or retinal scan. I can’t tell you what that name was.† â€Å"She won’t take the human name,† the man muttered. Her response was conciliatory. â€Å"Everyone finds comfort their own way.† â€Å"This Wanderer will need more comfort than most, thanks to your style of Seeking.† There were sharp soundsfootsteps, staccato against a hard floor. When she spoke again, the woman’s voice was across the room from the man. â€Å"You would have reacted poorly to the early days of this occupation,† she said. â€Å"Perhaps you react poorly to peace.† The woman laughed, but the sound was falsethere was no real amusement. My mind seemed well adapted to inferring the true meanings from tones and inflections. â€Å"You do not have a clear perception of what my Calling entails. Long hours hunched over files and maps. Mostly desk work. Not very often the conflict or violence you seem to think it is.† â€Å"Ten days ago you were armed with killing weapons, running this body down.† â€Å"The exception, I assure you, not the rule. Do not forget, the weapons that disgust you are turned on our kind wherever we Seekers have not been vigilant enough. The humans kill us happily whenever they have the ability to do so. Those whose lives have been touched by the hostility see us as heroes.† â€Å"You speak as if a war were raging.† â€Å"To the remains of the human race, one is.† These words were strong in my ears. My body reacted to them; I felt my breathing speed, heard the â€Å"But one that even they must realize is long lost. They are outnumbered by what? A million to one? I imagine you would know.† â€Å"We estimate the odds are quite a bit higher in our favor,† she admitted grudgingly. The Healer appeared to be content to let his side of the disagreement rest with that information. It was quiet for a moment. I used the empty time to evaluate my situation. Much was obvious. I was in a Healing facility, recovering from an unusually traumatic insertion. I was sure the body that hosted me had been fully healed before it was given to me. A damaged host would have been disposed of. I considered the conflicting opinions of the Healer and the Seeker. According to the information I had been given before making the choice to come here, the Healer had the right of it. Hostilities with the few remaining pockets of humans were all but over. The planet called Earth was as peaceful and serene as it looked from space, invitingly green and blue, wreathed in its harmless white vapors. As was the way of the soul, harmony was universal now. The verbal dissension between the Healer and the Seeker was out of character. Strangely aggressive for our kind. It made me wonder. Could they be true, the whispered rumors that had undulated like waves through the thoughts of the of the I was distracted, trying to find the name for my last host species. We’d had a name, I knew that. But, no longer connected to that host, I could not remember the word. We’d used much simpler language than this, a silent language of thought that connected us all into one great mind. A necessary convenience when one was rooted forever into the wet black soil. I could describe that species in my new human language. We lived on the floor of the great ocean that covered the entire surface of our worlda world that had a name, too, but that was also gone. We each had a hundred arms and on each arm a thousand eyes, so that, with our thoughts connected, not one sight in the vast waters went unseen. There was no need for sound, so there was no way to hear it. We tasted the waters, and, with our sight, that told us all we needed to know. We tasted the suns, so many leagues above the water, and turned their taste into the food we needed. I could describe us, but I could not name us. I sighed for the lost knowledge, and then returned my ponderings to what I’d overheard. Souls did not, as a rule, speak anything but the truth. Seekers, of course, had the requirements of their Calling, but between souls there was never reason for a lie. With my last species’ language of thought, it would have been impossible to lie, even had we wanted to. However, anchored as we were, we told ourselves stories to alleviate the boredom. Storytelling was the most honored of all talents, for it benefited everyone. Sometimes, fact mixed with fiction so thoroughly that, though no lies were told, it was hard to remember what was strictly true. But there were whispers of this: of human hosts so strong that the souls were forced to abandon them. Hosts whose minds could not be completely suppressed. Souls who took on the personality of the body, rather than the other way around. Stories. Wild rumors. Madness. But that seemed almost to be the Healer’s accusation. I dismissed the thought. The more likely meaning of his censure was the distaste most of us felt for the Seeker’s Calling. Who would choose a life of conflict and pursuit? Who would be attracted to the chore of tracking down unwilling hosts and capturing them? Who would have the stomach to face the violence of this particular species, the hostile humans who killed so easily, so thoughtlessly? Here, on this planet, the Seekers had become practically a militiamy new brain supplied the term for the unfamiliar concept. Most believed that only the least civilized souls, the least evolved, the lesser among us, would be drawn to the path of Seeker. Still, on Earth the Seekers had gained new status. Never before had an occupation gone so awry. Never before had it turned into a fierce and bloody battle. Never before had the lives of so many souls been sacrificed. The Seekers stood as a mighty shield, and the souls of this world were thrice-over indebted to them: for the safety they had carved out of the mayhem, for the risk of the final death that they faced willingly every day, and for the new bodies they continued to provide. Now that the danger was virtually past, it appeared the gratitude was fading. And, for this Seeker at least, the change was not a pleasant one. It was easy to imagine what her questions for me would be. Though the Healer was trying to buy me time to adjust to my new body, I knew I would do my best to help the Seeker. Good citizenship was quintessential to every soul. So I took a deep breath to prepare myself. The monitor registered the movement. I knew I was stalling a bit. I hated to admit it, but I was afraid. To get the information the Seeker needed, I would have to explore the violent memories that had made me scream in horror. More than that, I was afraid of the voice I’d heard so loudly in my head. But she was silent now, as was right. She was just a memory, too. I should not have been afraid. After all, I was called Wanderer now. And I’d earned the name. With another deep breath, I delved into the memories that frightened me, faced them head-on with my teeth locked together. I could skip past the endit didn’t overwhelm me now. In fast-forward, I ran through the dark again, wincing, trying not to feel. It was over quickly. Once I was through that barrier, it wasn’t hard to float through less-alarming things and places, skimming for the information I wanted. I saw how she’d come to this cold city, driving by night in a stolen car chosen for its nondescript appearance. She’d walked through the streets of Chicago in darkness, shivering beneath her coat. The words came slower and slower, and at first I did not understand why. Was this forgotten? Lost in the trauma of an almost death? Was I still sluggish from unconsciousness? I struggled to think clearly. This sensation was unfamiliar. Was my body still sedated? I felt alert enough, but my mind labored unsuccessfully for the answers I wanted. I tried another avenue of searching, hoping for clearer responses. What was her goal? She would find SharonI fished out the nameand they would I hit a wall. It was a blank, a nothing. I tried to circle around it, but I couldn’t find the edges of the void. It was as if the information I sought had been erased. As if this brain had been damaged. Anger flashed through me, hot and wild. I gasped in surprise at the unexpected reaction. I’d heard of the emotional instability of these human bodies, but this was beyond my ability to anticipate. In eight full lives, I’d never had an emotion touch me with such force. I felt the blood pulse through my neck, pounding behind my ears. My hands tightened into fists. The machines beside me reported the acceleration of my heartbeats. There was a reaction in the room: the sharp tap of the Seeker’s shoes approached me, mingled with a quieter shuffle that must have been the Healer. â€Å"Welcome to Earth, Wanderer,† the female voice said. How to cite The Host Chapter 2: Overheard, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Competition and Consumer Commission Implications †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Competition and Consumer Commission Implications. Answer: Introduction: The issues are whether the partners perform according to the agreed contract or not and will they have any right to take any action against Lance or not? According to the Partnership Act 1963, it defines the partners where they are in relation to dealing with them. It has mentioned under section 7, which explains the Rules for determining existence of partnership. It must exits according to the joint benefits. The section 10 has defined that the partners are bound to act according to the behalf of the firm. Therefore, one partner can act behalf of the others. The section 12 described that the firm will not liable for any act, which will be done by the partners. The section 13 is defined the liability of partners towards their firm where the partners are bound to act with limited partnership with the other partners and firms. If any damage occurs at the time of the performing business then the penalty will be imposed. The third party should liable for the damage and pay the compensation. The section 14A has defined that the liability of incorporated limited partnership is completely wrong and the penalty will be imposed. According to the Act, the firm can become liable if any collaboration in a partnership business performs wrongful work by their partners while running the business or any partner committed the same with the incorporation with other partners, then it will found liable for this. If any damage occurs at the time of the performing business then the penalty will be imposed. The third party should liable for the damage and pay the compensation. In the cases of Foote v Barton Property Partnership No 1 [2017], Dimitrios Christis v Deputy Commissioner of Taxation [2011] and Eden Construction Pty Ltd and Cesare Filardo v State of New SOuth Wales [2010] it has found the existence of partnership and the legal action has been taken against the damages. According to the case facts, it has found that Lynton is completely unaware that Lance has a purchasing limit and lance has instructed not to spend over $20,000. Therefore, according to the section 7, the existence of partnership has found. It has also stated that all the partners are bound by the terms and condition of the contract, which has signed between them. A particular amount also mentioned while purchasing the car and one of the partner, Lance has purchased a car from Lynton without maintaining the limited amount. Therefore, the sell has occurred between them that Lance has found with a wilful violation to the partnership contract while running his business. Therefore, according to the terms of business the other partners have right to found with liabilities to Lynton for his act. In the case of National Commercial Banking Corporation of Australia Ltd v Batty, it has found that one partner has liable due to the wrongful act, the other partners have found guilty with the same liability regarding the damage, which has done by Lynton. In that case, the Australian High Court held that the basic rule of the partnership is that every partner is liable for the wrongful act of others while they are running a partnership business. Lynton can also hold liable make other partners according to the provision of section 14A of the Partnership Act 1963. In case of a partnership, each partner is enjoying all rights according to the norms of their business and one of the rights has become fiduciary relationship. The partners are free to file any case on reimbursement against Lance and can claim damage as Lance had failed to act in good faith. As per the case study, it can be concluded that all the partners are liable the wrongful act of others while they are running a partnership business. Lynton can also hold liable make other partners according to the provision of section 14A of the Partnership Act 1963. The issue is whether the consumer has any right to compensated for moisturizer and the terms of the contract are mandatory for Saqlaim or not? The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and the provision of Australian Consumer Law is stated the present fact of the case. According to section 29 of the Act, restrictions are to be imposed on the advertised statements that make false conception regarding the goods. The intention of the statement is to promote the goods in a wrongful way. It is a common principle of law that once the offer regarding a contract is being accepted, the contract become legalise and binding the contracting parties. However, the terms of the contract should have to be legal in nature and the contracting parties must have the competency to enter into the contract. According to the terms of the business the consumers must not introduced with false representation. In the case of Australian Competition Consumer Commission v IMB Group Pty Ltd [2003], the Australian Federal Court has found misleading and deceptive conducts, which is against of trade practice. SAP Australia Pty Ltd v Sapient Australia Pty Ltd (1999) is another case of false Trade practice. Google Inc v Australian Competition and Consumer Commission [2013] is another famous case where the misleading conducts has found but later Google found not guilty. Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v Oceana Commercial Pty Ltd [2004] is another case where the misrepresentation has found in the trade practice business. As per the fact in this case, the partnership is not happy with the Ute they think they have bought a lemon. They decide to sell the car to Saqlaim a refugee from Syria who has little understanding of English. Fast-talking and charismatic Lance talks him into purchasing the car. He enters a contract with a finance company to purchase the car. A violation regarding section 29 of the Consumer Law has been made and Xiaojing will be held liable for misrepresenting the credibility of the product to earn profit from the same. Regarding the second issue, it can be stated that one of the parties of the contract, Saqlaim is bound by the terms of the contract, as the terms of the contract are legal in nature. It can. Therefore, it can be stated that Saqlaim has a right to sue Xiaojing for publishing false advertisement for the infringement of section 29 of the Australian Consumer Law. Conversely, he is bound by the terms of the contract. The misleading and deceptive conducts has found which is against of the Australian Consumer Law. The issue is whether Felix has any right to take any action against Xiaojing regarding the non-payment of promised money or not. The provision of Fair Work Act 2009 will apply in this case. As per this Act, it is the right of the employees to get incentives during the course of their. It is one of the important law which is governed by the Australian Government for providing a fair and equal work opportunities. The employees are entitles to enjoy every rights under this law at the time of their employment. The main problem regarding the payment of incentive is that there is no uniform law regarding the same. There is a general rule that states that the relating rules can be guided by the contract or registered agreement made in between the employer and the employees. According to the legislations of Fair Work 2009, the equality bargaining is one of the basic purpose where the both the men and women share equal rights in their work place. Under the employment contract, the equality always measured by individually. The good faith bargaining is the mandatory terms where the employees will work for their organizat ion with the entitlement of industrial interest. The fact of the case is Felix a uni student aged 20 is keen to earn some income during the summer holidays. He is employed as a casual to pick lavender. He will be paid $25 cash per bag. She reneges on her promise and Felix is outraged. He wants to know if he can sue Xiaozing for the $100. The issue is whether Felix has any right to take any action against Xiaojing regarding the non-payment of promised money or not. According to the facts of this case, it has been observed that there was no written or registered agreement existed in between the two. In addition, Felix was not a permanent employee. It has been mentioned that Felix can continue his job until summer holidays only. Conclusion The problem regarding the issue can be concluded with the observation that Felix cannot sue Xiaojing for the non-payment of promised money or incentives as no necessary criteria was fulfilled in this case regarding the claim for compensation. Reference Australian Competition Consumer Commission v IMB Group Pty Ltd [2003] FCAFC 17 Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v Oceana Commercial Pty Ltd [2004] FCAFC 174 Blackett-Ord, M., Haren, S. (2015).Partnership Law. Bloomsbury Publishing. Coffee Jr, J. C., Sale, H., Henderson, M. T. (2015). Securities regulation: Cases and materials. Corones, S. G., Galloway, T. (2013). The effectiveness of the best interests duty: enhancing consumer protection?. Australian Business Law Review, 41(1), 5-29. 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